Monday, November 22, 2010

Santa's Workshop

Yes, I know; I haven't posted anything for a long, long time. I have a good excuse. I used my blogging time sewing Christmas gifts. Here is a little peek at my finished projects. The cupcakes are actually oven mitts.
I took advantage of the week Lance was in Germany to spread out all of my supplies and sew up a storm. I was excited to finish everything. I put my sewing machine away thinking I wouldn't sew again for quite some time. Then Mark reminded me that I had promised to sew merit badges on his Scout sash. I guess the machine will be set up again soon.


Jenny said...

they all look GREAT! Hoping someday i will get a beautiful "natalie delano blanket" :)

Heather said...

These are incredible! Almost thou persuadest me to buy a sewing machine. I've missed your posts. Big congrats on getting so much accomplished.

Stefanie Hathaway said...

wow, those look so great! And I LOVE the cupcakes- do you have a pattern for that? Did you use warm and natural batting? What's the secret? My machine is up and ready to SEW! (this project may trump the line of 5 others I have waiting!)

Annica said...

I love the cupcakes mom! Send me one! Or two. :)

Cathy Gildiner said...

Wow I love your quilts. The cupcake oven mitts are amazing. I love quilts.


McIntire Madness said...

Nice work! They look great/

Shawna said...

Natalie, you are so talented! Each quilt is beautiful! I think I see a RS "homemaking" night devoted to cupcake hotpads in your future!

Mary Lynne said...

Amazing! I would also like to know if you have a pattern for the oven mitts....I need it!

NatalieD said...

Yes, I have a pattern for the oven mitts; it's currently on loan to a friend. It's a "Hot Cakes" pattern. Maybe it's available online or you can wait until I can send it to you (after I send it to someone else first).

Polly @ Pieces by Polly said...

They look great! Some of those cute and trendy scraps you gave us have been sewn into handwarmers (Katie's first sewing project) and will be on their way to school tomorrow to be given to her teacher and a couple of the aids who work in her room.