I got caught speeding yesterday. It happened as I drove from Costco to pick up the boys from school. I didn't realize I was exceeding the speed limit (as I'm unfamiliar with the speed limit on that particular road) until I saw the officer and then saw the speed limit sign. I knew I was going to get pulled over, and I did.
Outwardly, I was a good sport and answered, very matter-of-factly, all of the officer's questions. Yes, I knew how fast I was going. Yes, I saw the speed limit sign. No, I didn't see the speed limit sign at the top of the hill when I turned onto that road. No, I didn't have any questions. I said very little. I wanted to be funny, but I just couldn't. I clammed up under pressure. At least, I didn't cry. I don't like to cry--especially in front of a stranger.
I should have said, "I have never before been issued a speeding ticket," and/or "Will you just give me a warning so my perfect driving record isn't ruined?" But what I REALLY wanted to say was, "I weigh MUCH less than what is written on my license." (He didn't even say, "Gee, you look a lot thinner than what your driver's license shows.)
Since I had just come from purchasing many items for our church Christmas party, I silently prayed that the officer would have mercy and just issue a warning. My prayers weren't answered the way I wanted them to be.
I can't fault the officer; I was breaking the law. But, he didn't crack a smile. His words were uttered in a very monotone voice. He was probably my age. Or older. And, darn it all--he disproved my theory that all motorcycle cops are good-looking!
Here's my question for you, dear readers: should I pay the $154 fine or go to jail?