Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mr. Observant

"Looks like you have a lot of dishes to do tonight, Mom," Mark announced as he was eating his late bedtime snack.

I gave him the "evil eye," and he continued, "I'm just stating a simple fact."

As he reached to put a dish towel on the removable metal towel rack, he said, "Oh, this thing needs to be cleaned, too."

My reply was, "When you see something that needs to be done, it's a good idea to just do it yourself instead of announcing that a job needs to be done and then walking away."

His answer: "Yes, I could do that unless I see something and say, 'This needs to be welded.'"

He cleaned the towel rack, placed it back on the cabinet door and left the kitchen.

I have a lot of dishes to do tonight.

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