Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Want to be . . .

A sweet, young mother friend of mine recently wrote about "the kind of a mom" she wants to be. She copied another friend's list and noted that she will add her own items as she gains more motherhood experience. Reading her blog post got me thinking along the same lines, but with a different slant.

Here's my list in no particular order. By the way, it's not all-inclusive. Oh, and, please don't judge me.

I want to be . . .

*. . . the kind of a mom who doesn't take offense when a child says, "You've ruined my life."

*. . . the kind of a mom who realizes that a child's perception is their reality. (Think about it.)

*. . . the kind of a mom who doesn't cry over spilled milk. Or snipped levelor blinds. Or stories written in black permanent marker on the wall. Or "accidental" haircuts. Or flooded toilets, flooded bathrooms, flooded hallways. Or sopping wet basement ceiling tiles.

*. . . the kind of a mom who patiently teaches "Toilet Roll Replacement 101" over and over and over ad nauseum.

*. . . the kind of a mom who doesn't panic when the school principal calls (for the 200th time).

*. . . the kind of mom who never owns a television (unless she keeps it hidden in a closet and sneaks it out only to watch football or THE AMAZING RACE).

*. . . the kind of mom who could lovingly influence her children to never be interested in video games.

*. . . the kind of a mom who could inspire her children to always trust her with the truth.

*. . . the kind of a mom who really isn't at all bothered when her children wear mismatching clothes or doesn't comb their hair before being seen in public.

*. . . the kind of a mom who remains unflappable in the face of a child's angry outburst(s).

*. . . the kind of a mom who always remembers to leave the window slightly ajar for the Tooth Fairy to enter.

*. . . the kind of a mom who sits calmly and quietly in the passenger seat while being driven about by her student-driver child.

*. . . the kind of a mom who isn't burdened by unnecessary guilt (whatever that means).

*. . . the kind of a mom who lives with few, if any, regrets.


Noelle said...

Great post! I liked your slant a lot :) Stories on the wall with black permanent marker? Yikes! Remaining calm in the passenger's seat has got to be tough for anyone! I need to add some of yours to my list now...

Heather said...

Loved it Natalie. I think you are an amazing mother. So good to see you.

Anonymous said...

The kind of a mom who knows her own parents love her kids.

McIntire Madness said...

I ditto the one about the mismatched clothes. I call the 2nd year of life for my children "the ugly phase!"