Friday, March 5, 2010

The Sausage Fairy

Perhaps you have heard of the Tooth Fairy or the Good Fairy. Have you ever heard of the Sausage Fairy? I didn't think so. The Sausage Fairy is a beloved and regular visitor at our house. She seems to know just when she's needed most and arrives, warm sausages in hand, to deliver sausages to a boy in the upper bunk. She even provides the plate, fork and a beverage.

She knows when it's most important for said bunk boy to wake up on time and with a good attitude. Her magic never fails. Bunk boy discovers the plated sausages near his pillow and the beverage on the bunk ladder. He smiles, props himself up on one elbow and quickly devours the food. He promptly climbs out of bed, deposits the dishes in the kitchen sink and happily gets ready for the day.

Sometimes the Sausage Fairy leaves a few extra links in a pan on the stove for others in the family to enjoy. How we love the Sausage Fairy!

Lest you feel sorry for the boy in the lower bunk, please know that the Oatmeal Fairy and the Scrambled Egg Fairy alternately visit him at 5:30 each morning of the school week. These fairies also deliver vitamins and Ovaltine-laced milk.

What kind of fairy would be most helpful in your household?


Susan Wheeler said...

Mushroom-Onion-Swiss Cheese omelet and homemade Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Waffles.

McIntire Madness said...

Sometimes the "house elf" visits our place late at night. He is good at cleaning up!

Susan Wheeler said...

Sausage fairy visited our house this morning.

Julie T said...

When does Sausage/Oatmeal/Vitamin Fairy have time to sleep or to post? I think I'd better deliver HER some vitamins!