Monday, December 22, 2008

The Businessman

Zachary's cell phone is in our possession. He downloaded several costly games and ring tones without our permission, so we're keeping the phone until he pays us what he owes us.

This morning Zachary told me he had the money he owed us, so he opened his wallet and counted out several coins and bills until the amount he paid was equal to the amount he owed. I was a bit curious about how he earned that money, but his dad was the one who called him on it. "How did you get this money?" Lance asked.

Zach's reply was, "Sometimes I sell items from my lunch that I don't want to the people I do business with. One guy is willing to pay $2 for some Mandarin oranges because he loves them so much. I usually sell things for $1 each."

Lance was momentarily speechless, but then composed himself and asked, "You mean you sell the items we bought for your lunch with our money, and you pocket the money yourself; then you pay us back with OUR money to get your cell phone back?!" He continued, "Those items are not for re-sale."

Now we have the cell phone back in our possession AND the money Zach paid to get it back.


Stefanie Elyse said...

Wow. Good move Zach... That's the kind of behavior I support!

Mary Lynne said...

So funny. What about splitting the profits 50/50? You provided the goods and he did the leg work. Seems only fair. ;)

McIntire Madness said...

So happy to see that you are a blogger! I loved your newsletter and I am sure I will be amused by your blog. If you are a blog follower we are at!

Shawna said...

Zach is more enterprising than I ever realized!